3D Printed House.

From #3dprinted houses, to tools, machine parts (even satallites), to medical implants, jwellery, and what not.
The #3drevolution has opened millions of avenues for developing world to leverage #3dprintingculture for their unique needs

#3Dprinting and #Infrastructure Investments in #developingCountries « Fabbaloo

Andressa Bonafe and Charles Goulding investigate the possibilities for using 3D printing in infrastructure in developing countries. https://www.fabbaloo.com/news/3d-printing-and-infrastructure-investments-in-developing-countries?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Fabbaloo+%28Fabbaloo%29

Big guys started it, but the growing guys are taking it to the masses.


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