3D Printed House.

From #3dprinted houses, to tools, machine parts (even satallites), to medical implants, jwellery, and what not.The #3drevolution has opened millions of avenues for developing world…

CADS Additive 3D printing surve

CADS Additive 3D printing survey To respond the current rethinking of working environments in regard of digitisation as well as production…

3D Printing — Enabling the real “Rapid Prototyping” in manufacturing world!

Many efforts have been made, and companies have achieved a lot to make this “Prototyping Process” faster. But the clear winner in the entire manufacturing ecosystem, comes out to be “3D Printing, or Additive Manufacturing”. Sheer simplicity of the process, no dependence on special / custom tools, and availability of variety of material, along with flexibility to play around with the design and scale, the 3d printed way of prototyping the products has been a blessing to the manufacturing process, and it clearly a “Rapid Prototyping” enabler.