When 3D Printing and Solar Race Cars Meet

Solar cars – the sustainability driver for automobiles. 3D Printing – the sustainability driver for manufacturing.

Here’s their marriage. It’s not just a sustainable way of developing car parts, it much more to do with design, innovation, material, and more.

As 3D-printed products have proven repeatedly throughout the years, AM is the perfect method to create a lightweight material with organic shapes that traditional manufacturing cannot construct.

Read about how @Materialise helps the @Agoria Solar Team accomplish their solar race car dreams with 3D printing and engineering support. https://i.materialise.com/blog/en/agoria-solar-team-solar-race/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+imaterialise+%28i.materialise+3D+Printing+Service+Blog+-+watch+us+make+the+future+%28feel+free+to+join+in%29%29

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